1) If you were to only live until the age of 50, how would you live your life differently?
I don't think I would change much at all. Maybe nap a bit less, but that's all I can think of.
2) Are you settling in your job/career?
Settling as in I really wanted vanilla ice cream, but I'll settle for chocolate? No, I don't think so. I am constantly working towards my next advancement and attempting to absorb all that is available. I do not have the career that I dreamed of as a kid, but then again I don't have the same dreams anymore...
3) Are you settling with your significant other?
Same question... Or do you mean settled, content, and happy? I'm confused!! Anyways, how ever the question was meant... I am horribly happy with my hubby and wouldn't trade him for anything. He drives me crazy, but also deals with my insanity. He knows how to push all my buttons, for better or for worse.
4) How important is your family?
Extremely. Although I should do a much better job of showing it.
5) If you caught a neighbor peeping in at you while you were naked or having sex, would you close the blinds? (assuming you live in a city and can see into other buildings).
They would have to be very obvious for me to even notice, since I walk naked in front of our open window multiple times a day and have a habit of running to the garage half naked... But hmm... it would depend... I probably would since like a said to be that obvious would be pretty creepy...