Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday 9: The First Apartment

1. Where had you moved from?
My dad's house and the house that I lived at with my mom before she left. You could say I was at a transition point.

2. Describe your first apartment.
One bedroom, one bath, first floor, lots of humidity, and, for the most part, absolutely perfect.

3. How old were you when you had your apartment?
I was nineteen when we moved in, but it was more his than mine I was just along for the ride.

4. Did you have roommates? If yes, tell us more.
I guess you could say I was the roommate, since it was my soon to be hubby's place.

5. What was your place of employment then?
A glass company where I was the doer of all things plus some.

6. How were you finances at the time?

7. Tell us about a lover who spent a night there.
Just the one that lived there and then I married him.

8. Tell us about a band you listen to then. (You can cheat. Look it up.)
Pretty much the same stuff as now.

9. How long did you live there and why did you move from there?
We lived there for three years. We left to move into our first house.


Bud Fisher said...

That was interesting. Have a good weekend!

Stiletto Reflections said...

Hey - P.S. - I actually swung some on Sunday & it was kinda fun! Not sure I could do the hole 18 holes right off the bat's starting to peak my interest too.

Curious Mind said...

Wow SR you should not start comments to me quite that way cause all kinds of crazy thought quickly raced through my head. But now that I have pulled my mind out of the gutter, I am very excited because I'm going to need someone who sucks to golf with. I really mean that in a super nice way.

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